But you should be grateful... an update.

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Okay, so we so never got a chance to talk to the camp host but Patrick did talk to our neighbor with the generator this morning. He essentially just asked if they had an estimate for when they might turn it off because the gas fumes are filling up our van. The fumes have really become the worst part of it, my lungs and nose burn and I feel light headed. Their response was that their kid needs power for medical equipment and the camp host said that generators are allowed from 10am until 7pm. They later added that they saw I was meditating this morning (I was stretching) and they waited until I was done (they didn't really, they started the generator about 30 minutes into my stretching session) because they didn’t want to disturb me. They said that they could move the generator so the fumes are less likely to go into the van. They said they are "an accommodating person."

Okay. So. While I appreciate them moving the generator to try and make less fumes go into our van or campsite, and I can also understand that some people might have higher power needs, I think the interaction left me feeling shitty for a few reasons. For one thing, if you have high power needs there are lots of ways to address that without taking away from the camping experience of others that you are sharing the space with (RV hookups with electricity, RV parks where most people spend their time indoors unlike a tent campgrounds, campgrounds with space so you don't disturb people around you). Second, implying that I should be grateful that they waited thirty minutes, before turning on the generator because they could see I was trying to enjoy some peaceful time outside discounts that they are literally forcing us to breathe toxic air all the rest of the time. And when we told them that, their response was that they forced us for less time so we should actually just be grateful. Come on bro, that's gaslighting. Also, if you are telling someone that you are "an accommodating person" when they tell you that something you are doing is bothering them, that's a big red flag.

You might be thinking, why don't you just leave? The thing is, we already paid through Monday and it is currently Friday, which means most (if not all) campgrounds are full through Sunday morning. And we can't really afford to pay more money. So we are stuck until at least Sunday when there will be more openings at the campgrounds. Not to mention the fact that Patrick can barely move from a back injury, which would make packing up the van and driving very difficult right now. I am doing a little better, the suicidal brain is quiet today. Blasting loud music on headphones has helped me forget about the sound at least for a little while. That's my update. I think I am going to paint a little, hopefully your week is going a little better than mine.

Olivia Smith