My dream for the future

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Patrick, my partner, is always telling me to put my dreams out into the universe and believe that they are possible. So here it goes. This is my dream for my life. For my future.

The most important part of this dream is community. We have been looking at Washington with the hopes of building a strong community. I truly believe that community is what gives life its meaning, what makes life worth living. It isn't something we have had a lot of in this life, especially not recently. I had friends in high school and college but always felt like I was giving up a part of myself to fit in. It has only been in recent years, as I have become more authentically myself, that I have been more intentional about finding and keeping friends that I feel like I can be my true self around. But I want to find more community, more people like me both in the places that I live and in online communities.

I can picture myself living in western Washington, where I will hopefully be safe from wild fires and bigots. Where it rains so much it is green most of the year and I don't have to worry so much about watering my garden. My last garden was in a desert that was in a drought so I am looking forward to rain. I see myself living in a small house, under 1,000 square feet, on some land, over half an acre, nestled out of view of any neighbors, and with a large workspace detached from the house in the yard for all my creative endeavors. A house with a large cleared area for a garden surrounded by trees, with a tall, sturdy fence for my dog, so he can be part of our lives and be safe.

I still want to travel. I feel like there is so much of the world that I have yet to see and I don't want to wait until I am retired and 65 to take the time to see what I want to see. I truly believe that life is meant to be lived now, in this moment, not when I have more money or more time or more of whatever. I have seen too many people in my life put off their dreams for when they have everything figured out, which never really happens, does it?

Finally, I imagine a future where I am an artist. And where I combine my art with my love of vintage things to find an enjoyable way to survive capitalism. I am still not sure if that will be from blogging or from making art or from mixing natural watercolor paints or from searching for and reselling my vintage finds. All I know really is that working for someone else really pisses on my creativity and joy and those aren't things I want to give up for a system that doesn't care about me or my well being.

So there you go, my dreams. I still have no idea how I am going to make any of this happen, but you never know what is around that corner. This blog is part of my attempt to give hope a fucking chance.

Patrick Rupnow