A queer love story with a happy ending


This week is our anniversary... nine years.

I am not someone who believes that years together is what makes a good relationship, but my partner, Patrick, is one of the good ones.

We met nine years ago at the beginning of summer when we both found ourselves working at a science summer camp in Berkeley, CA.

The last year of my life had been a shitty one where my friends had ditched me to be friends with my ex and I was determined to make new friends.

So my introverted self decided that I would make sure to introduce myself to every one of my fifteen or so coworkers. Patrick was one of the last people that I introduced myself to. I wish I could say it was love at first sight, but I do remember that Wednesday afternoon very well, even after nine years.

On Thursday, I saw him when the campers had their 30 minute "recess" and we chatted a little while playing Frisbee with a camper. I still didn't think too much of it.

When Friday came, I only saw him briefly in passing while he was trying to wrangle 20 five-year-olds from recess back to the classroom. As he was passing me, he discretely asked if he could steal my number from the staff directory and I said sure.

He texted me later that night. We talked a little and that was when I started to see that he was someone I could be friends with. He was so kind and talking with him made me feel so calm. I told him we could only be friends if he watched the Disney animated movie Frozen because I was apparently obsessed with it at the time. And the next day he did.

We became best friends overnight- hanging out most days after work.

I had never in my life felt so safe and appreciated for who I am. I knew after a month that he had feelings for me, but I just wasn't sure what I wanted. My last relationship had destroyed me. I remember telling him that if we dated we would either break up or get married and I didn't want either.

By late July, I had made up mind that I had to give it a try and declared to him that I wanted to go on a date. He said okay, let's go now. I said absolutely not, I want to go on a "real date". So he planned a special night and it was absolute magic.

Nine years later, we are neither married nor broken up so I would say things are going better than I could have imagined back then.

I know it's cheesy but I just want anyone who needs it to know that the outcasts find each other and love each other and take care of each other. It's out there- queer love with a happy ending. The good people are out there looking for you too, so don't you dare give up trying to find them.

Let's be friends! What makes you feel safe with someone you just met?

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