Summer is here and my peace is gone


Summer has officially arrived here in the mountains.

I know many places in the country have already had summer for a month or two and all I can say is I'm sorry.

Summer is my least favorite season. A huge part of my discomfort in summer is that my neurodivergent brain can't handle when my body gets hot. As the temperature goes up, my brain panics with no way to calm down until the temperature goes down.

As a fat person, I don't have a lot of summer clothing options that wouldn't make me a target of judgemental stares.

A decision to wear shorts and a tank top is a political statement when you're fat. And good luck finding shorts that don't cause chaffing but also look cute. I deserve to be comfortable AND cute.

In addition, living in a mountain tourist town all the worst people crawl out of the overpopulated cities to vacation here in summer. I don't even want to go hiking anymore because the tourists are so rude and I see them do so many horrible things to the places I love.

To add to the misery, the bugs decided now would be a good time to make their unwanted appearance. My desire to crawl out of my skin has never felt so strong.

I hate sunshine and people and bugs and summer. I can't wait for cooler weather.

I am going to hibernate now- see you in fall when I can exist in peace.

Let's be friends! Do you have a season that you wish you could hibernate through?

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