A bear visit in the middle of the night - camping near Mammoth Lakes


We are currently camping in the pine forests outside of Mammoth Lakes, CA.

A few nights ago, my partner, Patrick, was staying up later than me so I put in some earplugs so I hopefully wouldn't hear when he came to bed.

Around 3AM, I woke up to some commotion. When I finally sat up, I saw Patrick and our dog, Bodhi, peering out the tiny window in the side door of our camper van.

It was a bear! In our outdoor kitchen! They said they had scared it off through barking and shining a light out the window. It had tipped over a storage box that housed our pots and pans and utensils and such. We keep all our food inside our camper van so luckily it didn't get any food.

We have camped a few times before outside Mammoth Lakes, but I have never had a bear come into my campsite!

The next morning, I woke up and saw that the bear had broken the lid of our kitchen storage box when it tipped it over.


Not too much damage for such a powerful animal - but now I am afraid to go outside at night... It is so dark out here in the forest, I never know what is lurking within the black silhouettes of the trees.

Oh well, I guess this is all part of being a vehicle dweller out in nature. Anyways, I would so much rather be harassed by a bear at my campsite than be harassed by a cis man walking down the streets of a big city... ya know?

Let's be friends! Have you ever had a scary interaction with an animal out in nature? Have you ever had a scary interaction with a cis man in a city?

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