A constantly changing landscape: the realities of vanlife


It has been awhile since I sat down to write anything.

We (my partner, dog and I) ended up having to move locations because after two months of not seeing any rangers, they drove by us twice in two weeks. While they never asked us to leave, they did ask a friend who was staying close by to leave, so it was just time.

So much of vehicle dwelling for us is chasing good weather. In the summer, when everywhere is hot, that means staying longer than you are "supposed to" on public lands that are cool enough to survive. All this leading to a fucking game of cat and mouse with the rangers (effectively the police) with the goal of being invisible.

We moved across the highway to another dispersed camping area where we heard through the vehicle dwelling grapevine that a different ranger patrols.

And while the spot we moved to is absolutely beautiful, packing up our lives and setting up somewhere completely new after two months really took any wind that I had left out of my sails.


At the same time, the summer weather really took hold here, hitting 90 degrees Fahrenheit and then sticking in the high 80s. SO. FUCKING. HOT.

There has been so much to adjust to.

Some things are good, like beautiful sunsets now that we aren't in dense forest and can see the sky. Some things... not so good. Our neighbors are the actual worse - blasting music at 8:30AM, constantly driving around, honking, and yelling out the window trying to find their perpetually off leash dog.

I keep thinking that maybe I will adjust to things changing all the time - that it will get easier. But in reality, it has shown me that I really need stability. I crave sameness.

We try to pick up our lives and start over as little as possible, but it doesn't feel like enough. I am still a mess anytime we move.

But I know myself, In the life that would afford me an apartment or a house, I would crave adventure. Something new, something different. that balance isn’t accessible to most people.

I want stability and familiarity, but with enough adventure to keep my heart happy. That seems like a reasonable thing to ask from life, so why is it something only people with money have access to?

Let's be friends! How do you balance security and adventure in your life? Which do you wish you had more of?

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