Capitalism is stealing my life


Exhaustion. That is all I feel these days.

I wish I could spend all my waking hours curled up under a blanket with some mindless form of media playing in the background. I desperately want to silence my brain telling me I should have more energy.

The days drag out and seem to last years while the weeks speed by so fast I couldn't tell you what month it is anymore.

Every spoon I have left is used to peel myself out of bed for just a few hours to cook something and make the bed and take my dog outside.

But also don't forget the trash. But also don't forget the grocery shopping.

The only thing I have to look forward to is the day the paycheck comes.

But the temporary high never lasts too long. I gave everything I have to capitalism, but I still don't have enough.

Enough to buy food, yes. Enough to pay for gas for the commute to work, sure. Enough to save, no. Enough to do anything for fun, fuck no.

Maybe I should just be grateful. In the past, I have had no job and less money but still had my time. It was a different kind of horrible and I wouldn't want to go back.

I wish I could say that I thought there was a way out. But this is capitalism and we all have to give everything we have or else.

You might try to run, but no one is ever really able to escape the tight grasp capitalism has on our lives.

We are prisoners who have somehow been convinced that we are free.

Let's be friends! Are you able to balance work and joy in your life? Do you ever feel trapped in a cycle of always working?

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