Fall colors in the Eastern Sierras: a film photo essay


Today is the first snow of winter here in Mammoth Lakes, CA so I figured it was time share this collection of Polaroids I took during this fall season in the Eastern Sierras.


I grew up on the coast of California so this was my first time ever experiencing vibrant fall colors.


All of these photos were taken by me and my partner on our fall hikes in the Eastern Sierras while living out of our camper van in Mammoth.


While I didn't get to see all the places I wanted to, I saw more fall beauty than I ever have in past years. Life just gets in the way of adventure for me sometimes, but I will take the small victories.


I hope to spend many more seasons here in the Eastern Sierras, especially fall.


I never know where we will end up next. But no matter what, I will always treasure how these photos beautifully captured the feeling of living in Mammoth in fall.

Let's be friends! What is your favorite season? Where is the best place, in your opinion, to spend that season?

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