But aren't you fat?

I have chosen a name for this blog! When I originally started blogging I was mostly writing about gardening and such so I called it "The fat, queer farmer," but since then the blog was accidentally deleted (so sad) and also we moved into our van which means I don't have access to the garden space I used to. It doesn't make sense to keep that name for a blog.

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Olivia Smith
But you should be grateful... an update.

Okay, so we so never got a chance to talk to the camp host but Patrick did talk to our neighbor with the generator this morning. He essentially just asked if they had an estimate for when they might turn it off because the gas fumes are filling up our van.

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Olivia Smith
A bad day

I have been super anxious for a few days now. It started two days ago when Patrick and I got in a big fight and since then I haven't been able to calm down. My heart races, I experience shortness of breathe, my head is so foggy I can't think straight. I get so irritable... and I start to feel bad about myself for being so irritable.

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Olivia Smith
My misconception about Oregon

Florence, OR. I think when most people think of the Pacific NW they think of green, wet forests, foggy beaches, and progressive, liberal people. But I think as I am learning the reality of that is very different from the idea of a place.

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Olivia Smith
The start of an adventure

I am currently sitting at a BLM campground in Sixes, OR with my partner, Patrick, and my dog, Bodhi. We have been here for just over a week and are leaving in a couple days. Before coming to this campground, we stayed at the most beautiful turnout off Hwy 101, right on a secluded beach.

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Olivia Smith
This blog.

I started this blog about a year ago. It had some articles I had written and was proud of about how we sexualize fat bodies, about our garden in Southern California, about my relationship with Patrick, my partner. Funny thing which isn't so funny, it was all deleted.

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Olivia Smith
My dream for the future

Patrick, my partner, is always telling me to put my dreams out into the universe and believe that they are possible. So here it goes. This is my dream for my life. For my future. The most important part of this dream is community.

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Patrick Rupnow
Where things are at

I lived in Southern California with my partner's family for three and a half years. We originally moved there out of desperation, we were in need of a place to live with nowhere to go. No money, no idea how we wanted to make money, no desire to be just another exploited worker for capitalism.

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Olivia Smith