On being too soft for this world

Fall colors are in full swing here in the Eastern Sierras. It feels so magical. I have never lived anywhere that has this level of vibrancy and intensity. Recently, I have been hiking a lot to try and soak up as much of the scenery as possible before it is gone and winter sets in. When I was hiking today…

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Advocating for myself as a fat person

As the weather starts to cool off, I am getting excited about all things fall. So naturally, I have been spending my free time shopping online for comfy oversized sweaters. I only own one sweater right now and it is falling apart. Even though I love it and still wear it everyday, it is time to upgrade. Finding clothes as a fat person is hard and it is even harder to find clothes that fit my own personal style. I was so happy when I found the sweaters from an online clothing company called Tradlands…

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Capitalism is winning: how we make money and our search for survival

My partner, Patrick, and I have always fit into more traditional roles when it comes to how we both care for our little family. Patrick is a people person and is great at blending into society, while I am a caretaker - great at keeping everyone fed and our living space clean. So it was natural for Patrick to work outside of the home and for me to make sure all the shit at home didn't fall apart. But when covid hit, Patrick lost his job teaching classes to kids and our living situation became unsafe. So we packed up, moved into our camper van, and started driving north from southern California.

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Fat person hiking: power and privilege on the trail

I am currently on my first solo hike in a long time. I decided to hike today because I just needed to get away from everything, to breathe a little heavy. I normally wouldn't have come to a popular trailhead on a weekend (it's Saturday), but I just kept putting it off and today is the first day that I could get out on the trail. My relaxing hike isn't quite going as planned.

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Coming out to my mom as non binary

I have identified as non binary since the summer of 2020, but it was only recently that I came out to my mom. Until the last few years, my mom and I had always been close. But, towards the end of college, I was just changing so fast - changing into a very different person than who she raised me to be.

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A constantly changing landscape: the realities of vanlife

It has been awhile since I sat down to write anything. We (my partner, dog and I) ended up having to move locations because after two months of not seeing any rangers, they drove by us twice in two weeks. While they never asked us to leave, they did ask a friend who was staying close by to leave, so it was just time. So much of vehicle dwelling for us is chasing good weather…

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A bear visit in the middle of the night - camping near Mammoth Lakes

We are currently camping in the pine forests outside of Mammoth Lakes, CA. A few nights ago, my partner, Patrick, was staying up later than me so I put in some earplugs so I hopefully wouldn't hear when he came to bed. Around 3AM, I woke up to some commotion. When I finally sat up, I saw Patrick and our dog, Bodhi, peering out the tiny window in the side door of our camper van. It was a bear…

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Travel Update: Where I am currently living and summer plans

My partner and I live and travel in our old converted camper van. We originally bought our camper van six years ago when we were working on a farm in Minnesota. A little over a year ago, we picked up our lives and hit the road full time. We spent the summer traveling from southern California to Washington, and then settled down last winter outside Joshua Tree National Park.

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Why I shaved my head

In 2016, at the start of my last semester of college, I shaved my head for the first time. It wasn't some existential crisis like most people in my life thought it was. I can still remember when I finally made the decision to shave my head. I wasn't nervous about how I would look with a shaved head, more just anxious about finally taking the leap to do something I had wanted to do for so long…

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